Special 3S-Series & Workshops SORRY! No classes are conducted due to Covid-19.
Jinendra offers special workshops, intensives or short series to deepen your practice in a small group setting. Listed below are some of the workshops and short series we have offered in the past.
For current information: Please check our Facebook page for announcements/updates on workshops and special series.
3S-Serinity Classes
Perfect way to unwind and end your workday with gentle movements, stretching and deep relaxation. This practice helps to calm your hyper-alert nervous system and bring a sense of calmness to mind and body.
3S-Breathe for Happiness
A two-hour long rejuvenating and restorative 3S- workshop designed to release deeply rooted tension, negative feelings, lack of enthusiasm, loneliness and fear. The training helps change your brain’s chemistry, to remove the busyness and chatter of the nervous system, and create happy feeling by the end of the class.
3S-Corporate and Adult Classes
The corporate classes address chronic stress and postural issues. Each series of classes is tailored to suit the wellness needs of the employees. It helps to combat the mid week slump and/or prepare one for a relaxing weekend.
3S-for Teens
Series of classes specifically designed for teen boys and girls to address self-image issues, deal with competitive social environment, increase focus, balance mood and provide stress reduction techniques that can be practiced anywhere, anytime.
3S- for Children
Pathway to Positive Emotions, A 6 or 8-week series of classes designed to provide a useful tool for kids that promotes flexibility and improves focus and deal with stress, test-anxiety and other challenges using simple and effective brain-based exercises.
STM-Therapeutic Privates
A series of two or more classes designed to specifically address health issues. These sessions are 1:1 and begins with a short evaluation session followed by specifically designed practice to meet the student at their level of flexibility and comfort- No pain, Yes gain is the mantra for the STM-therapeutic private sessions.
For more information: