The series of creatively designed classes of practical tools and techniques, proven movement and breathing exercises, meditation and re-framing will help you ‘Learn and Discover’ the missing link between Body-Breath-Brain-Mind. It’s a remarkable synthesis of the latest frontiers of neuroscience, psychology, physiology and the ancient Tai-chi, Qigong and Yogic tradition. Jinendra’s workshop and classes on “3S-The New Smart Science of Sustainable Happiness” brings to you a new paradigm on how the six element in your life – Food & Drink, Exercise & Rest, and Thinking & Breathing can foster your Pursuit of Health -Healing – Happiness. Know More…
Our Clients &Testimonials : Training is approved by Cardinal Stritch University, Madison Metropolitan School District, Neenah School District, Wholistic Stress Control Institute, Space Time Research Institute, Mary C O’keefe Cultural Center, Merriter Hospital, UW Madison & WI Association of Mediators, Well within Center for Yoga and Health, Ashe Arts and Cultural Center, Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation School Board, etc. Know More…
On American TV – NBC, CBS & ABC. WORT-FM Radio, Capital Times, Edge Life Magazine, East Side News, The Indian / Down under Sydney, Hindustan Times, DNA Navi Mumbai, etc. Know More…
About Courses
With over 120 types of 3S Dynamic Movement Exercises, go ahead & experience the power of the 3S training system for managing Health-Healing and Happiness. 3S Core learning technology aims at early intervention by utilizing a dynamic learning process that involves movement-based INTENTIONAL ACTIVITY. It’s this exposure that strengthens your understanding of the relationship between Breath, Movement, Emotions, Stress & Behavior. 3S is a dynamic, sustainable, user-centric, universal, and ‘non-violent’ training system, that activates the happiness circuit in your brain.
Upcoming Events

S.M.A.R.T. features of 3S Training
Strong fudamentals
Incoporates latest scientific research
3s training incorporated latest frontiers of neuroscience, psychology, physiology and the ancient wisdom of the east to create strong foundation for conscious learning and leaving
Measurable goals
One on one interaction
Student-Instructor one-on-one interaction during training provides measurable goals
Advanced training
Intensive experiential training
Advanced level exercises are built in the various levels of student training
Reachable goals
Overall learning exposure
Reachable challenging goals provide overall learning and life changing experiences
Time bound training
Planned curriculum
Our time bound training is created and developed by Jinendra from over 3 decade of teaching experience
Task oriented
Specific task based activities
3s training focused on overall learning experience as students focus on specific task based activities
Experiential learning
Security, Survival and Self esteem
Students are exposed to live experimentation and learning from practical-action that help create positive emotions and learning to transcend issues related to security, survival, & self esteem in their lives
Focus on details
Customized and Indivijualised
3s training specializes in focusing on minute details of all aspects of the students life style-food, drinks, exercise, rest, thinking and breathing
Student focused
Training can be used at home/work/profession
Our training use simple and east to understand instructions for physiological and emotional self management
Multi media
Use of videos, power-points and screencasts
Our training uses multi media during training to help students apply 3s at any place and in any situation that arises and causes stress and behaviour issues
Event based
Live interactions with other students
Various live events and webinar are organized in the course for an overall leaning experience