Dr. Jinendra Kothari

Explore this website and know more about jinendra’s current classes/courses/workshops, current activities and projects, whats new, insights into what is 3S?, FAQ on meditation, ACE meditation, unique Glossary of spiritual terms used in eastern traditions, photo and video gallery.

Jinendra is open to collaborative projects: To Grow and Sustain 3S-Smart Science of Sustainable Happiness, to train and mentor relationships with  Businesses, Corporations, Schools, Health Care  Professionals, Communities, Institutions, Organizations, Individuals and Groups to increase their Sustainable Happiness Quotient.


Checkout the following links.
Jinendra Bio
JYM- Jin Yoga Meditation
JYM Awareness Program
JIN Retreat Gallery
Spiritual Glossary
ACE Meditation
CQ-Who Am I

Visit our following links :
Pilgrimage to Self
Elixir of Wisdom
Maxims of Happiness
Conscious Life Design

         ….. and more

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