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1 DEATH The greatest of all challenges to human emotion, intellect and religiosity, is the incomprehensible enigma of 'DEATH'. It also goes without having to specially mention that, the modern science is also totally baffled by the inevitable universal happening of DEATH. All remarkable breakthroughs in medical science are only to postpone death, nothing could yet conquer death and escape for ever!

Humankind is perhaps the only creature that 'Knows' very starkly about its own impending end, by way of death. This is the only creature, which also undertakes an elaborate procedures to dispose the dead and deals with the dead body with a heightened sensitivity. Behind all human daredevil acts and postures of bravado, there is a lurking fear and deep revulsion about the inevitability of one's own death. Though human beings have the intelligence to objectively observe death all around, subjectively we are not able to reconcile that one has to surely die and more so that there is going to be an END for the "person in us". All of us pine for our sense of individuality to continue ad infinitum. More we entertain this desire as a longing, more the phenomenon of DEATH becomes hard and heavy on us! Thus, a SEER had mentioned appropriately that, "The whole learning orientation in one's life time should be, as to, how to be ready for death with no resistance whatsoever." But, this does not mean that one should turn morbidly pessimistic and indifferent to oneself and one's surroundings.

"The Search For TRUTH', is not looking for something abstract 'beyond the hills and above the clouds'! These types of efforts, are purely an attempt to desperately escape from the fact of DEATH and our own fear for its inevitability. To explore one's own consciousness choicelessly and encounter the falsity of one's sense of individuality, which is averse to death, is the essence of true spirituality. Free of all supernatural assumptions, one has to clearly see that one's sense of 'I', 'ME' and 'Self-identity' is fictitious. In our own daily life, one has to discern that this notion has no continuity at all. Perceiving the ever changing identity emphasis from our wakeful period to dreaming moments to deepsleep period, daily, is indeed a telling lesson. Also, from the very formative days in our life, ever so many identities have appeared in our consciousness and stayed for a duration and have departed. Simultaneously also, we don quite a few identities and the play of mutual interaction takes place, hopping and slipping from one identity to another. But, all these gymnastics of consciousness is happening rather 'UNCONSCIOUSLY' (Un aware).

It is seldom noticed that such a quicksilver like self-conscious identity spectrum, through the habit of unending repetition, assumes constancy as one's ego sense. This enduring notion notwithstanding many in-between breaks in the 'waking-dream-deepsleep' sequences, due to the peculiar human capacity to project any notion as an objective reality, 'KNOWS and FEARS" ITS end in the physical death! The death that it sees all around is only the physical death, about which it is intelligent enough to understand the reason. What this self-identity notion ever for the first time encounters in 'ITS OWN DEATH" is the "DEATH OF IDENTITY"! For we human beings, the death of self-identity is immensely more painful than physical death. Our self-identity amazingly survives through even a most blood curdling physical mutilations, dementia and senility. May be, even in the state of coma, the self-identity is still sticking. Perhaps, only this deep-rooted conditioning makes us eagerly accept the theory of transmigration of "Soul", so as to reincarnate in a new birth after the present impending death! Notwithstanding the theory of reincarnation, our self-identity writhes in fear and delirium at the prospects of DEATH.

The only known cure, for this illness of self-identity, is to come upon the unalterable fact of the illusoriness of the very self-identity. But for the fictitious center of human "Self-identity", there is no struggle and resistance against the most natural event of DEATH. 'The BIRTH' and 'The DEATH' are two sides of the very same enigmatic coin of LIFE. One without the other is just not possible. Except the human EGO, no other facet of Creation, strives to separate death away from birth.

Let us realize the truth hidden in the basic issue of our existence.

*DEATH of organic forms through the process of growth-and-decay is an inevitable 'All-embracing life-process'. This process governs humankind too!

* The life-potency of all creatures is composed of bio-magnetic energy quotient. Universally at the very foundation of Cosmos, this energy is inexhaustibly present, perennially aiding organic creation. In the humankind, a very deep sense of self-identity appears as an image. This projected image firmly latches on to the bio-magnetic energy base. Thus, the notion of 'I' and 'ME' is too deeply entrenched.

* The post-death lingering of "Self-Identity" is only a shadow existence, akin to magnetically recorded audio-video images! Replay happens, when the appropriate conditions get organized. Even then, their quality is only of latent images.

* While the human being is alive, "Self-Identity" cannot escape repeated distinct discontinuity, through 'Waking-Dreaming-Deep-sleeping' state. This makes it very much evident that continuous individualized sense of self-identity is only a notion and hence an illusion. All human beings can understand this, without any need for high pressure convincing!

* Deep-sleep state conclusively proves that life is intact, even in the total absence of self-identity. This lesson can help us devalue the undue importance of certainty given to the sense of 'I' and 'ME' notion.

* There is a very strong resistance prevailing in a human being, to avoid death of one's "Self-Identity". This is the cause of "Birth" of reincarnation theory!

* All shades of "Soul" theories propagated by different religions are meant to console the fears of human psyche. Still, none of these theories can restore peace and quietude in human beings. Fears and insecurity related to the death of one's self-identity continues!

*While being alive in this world, if one realizes profoundly the illusory nature of the pranks of human self-identities, the unconditional freedom from the fear of death dawns. This human being, who is full of freedom brims with love and togetherness, which cannot be measured by words. Such a living torch of LOVE is the true 'JEEVAN MUKTA'. ('JEEVAN' = Alive here-and-now. 'Mukta' = Liberated Being). Even the silent PRESENCE of a 'Jeevan Mukta', is the most potential inspiration for the suffering ignorant humankind.

* If at all any purpose that can be attributed to our human existence, it is only to grow and go beyond our death-pang for the demise of self-identity.

2 Description is NOT the Described! Human beings are slaves of concepts and to the words, which express those concepts. We are deeply conditioned to perceive the world and as well communicate with each other in this slavish way. We seldom discern that words are only images, mere description of something, which is REAL! As the reality is stored in our memory as images and this deposit get triggered by the corresponding words, we are not sensitive to the fact that, 'Description (words) is NOT the Described!' If we are sensitive to this fact, we would neither get insulted nor get flattered by hearing a word! A mind, which is not hurt, will never hurt another. A mind, which cannot be misled by a flattery, will never mislead others by flattery. A world peopled by such sane beings, is it not a 'Paradise'?!
3 Dharma The ancient saying in the Sanskrit language, to aptly explain this loaded word of 'Dharma' is "Dhaarati lokam iti Dharma". The meaning is: "That which protects the WORLD, is Dharma". Here the most important word that has to be correctly understood is "WORLD". This does not indicate the human world of "Values, Bias, Judgments, Prejudice and Fancy". The WORLD that is indicated in this saying is, 'the pure and natural balance of Organic Existence'. The 'Wheel' of Dharma is the inexorable cycle of birth, growth, decay and death. Compassionately, Dharma also contains scope for realization, from the ignorance of 'Self-identity', which is causing illusory values and concepts. But, this scope can be actualized only through an earnest quest. Until the moment one questions and doubts one's self-identity and the connected endless struggle, this scope for realization lies quite outside the purview of one's consciousness. Hence, instead of blindly struggling and reacting, one has to question the entire proceedings very profoundly and dead seriously. But in the majority of humanity, the full scope of Dharma does not get played out. Till such moment, the cycle of Dharma re-cycles the human ego!
4 Durga Ignorant people in their arrogance always gloat with a pride of invincibility. The ego in humankind has been symbolized in the Hindu religious mythology as demon with destructive power. Unbridled avarice, extreme ill temper of craving to overlord the whole surrounding, are demonic qualities of ego. Seldom we realize that, what is portrayed as a despicable demon is none other than, our each one's venomous ego. Instead, we foolishly believe that these symbolic depictions of 'Good over the Evil', as mere mythological stories! It has been the human folly since the dawn of 'Time', that we see evil only in others. One group finds the rival group is full of evil. We are blind to our own evil ego. The evil of ego is at play in the meek and the strong alike!

Those who are intoxicated with power of authority and wealth are generally the frightened type. Notwithstanding their paranoia, their sense of vanity and bravado compel them to imagine, that nothing can overthrow their present vice grip. Our swaggering ego invariably gets repeatedly deflated from the most unexpected quarter of the enigmatic LIFE! This is the exact aspect each of the demon stories repeatedly, but in a most absorbing manner, portray. The demon kings amass enormous powers and thus get arrogantly foolish and overlook some very unassuming sources from where a suitable power can emanate to rout them out completely! Divine retributions take the form of a innocuous looking child (Sri.Krishna), a tender lad (Kartikeya), a young girl (Durga), a dwarf (Vaman Avatar), an ordinary man without an army (Sri.Rama) helped only by a bunch of monkeys), to vanquish the evil. The apparently vulnerable exterior of such avenues of retributions, escape the otherwise sharp attention of the evil intelligence of Demons. Intoxicated by the brutal power, the arrogance totally blinds the perception of the 'What Is?' All the demonic characters portrayed in the mythologies without an exception are highly accomplished and endowed generously with astounding physical and mental powers. They had even conquered the heavens and sent the inhabitants scattering. They had uniformly established their hegemony in all the three regions and terrorized even gods!

The above details of evil come dangerously close to our own ego. Ego is perhaps the most battle hardened "entity" in the survival techniques. It is the master of all 'tricks in the pack'! It pervades all the three of states of consciousness in us. Its presence is obvious in the waking and dreaming part of consciousness. We normally underestimate our ego and feel that it is absent in the third part, our deep-sleep state. It is only lying low, hibernating and awaiting the daybreak! Such is the pervasive nature of our egoistic state of existence. Such an "invincible" deception shall surely meet a 'DURGA', to be blown into pieces! This is the immutable law of LIFE. In all those demon stories, the evil one is always given innumerable opportunities to mend its way and embark the life of virtue (Egolessness). In each and every day of our lives, there are enough moments drawing our attention to the fact of deception behind our sense of ego. There are ample proofs, the life provides to indicate that the only cause for our suffering and anguish is our EGO. But the "clutch" of ego is so severe that the warnings are always unheeded to. Nevertheless, always the final moment of reckoning comes, when the evil gets summarily vanquished. Our ego shall meet inescapably, this destiny!

Sooner, we wake up to this unfailing law; it is beneficial for all of us and as well to all other aspects of Creation. "DURGA' awaits all of us. 'Du'= 'To burn', 'Consume with fire', 'To torment', 'Distress', 'Produce sorrow'. "Ga' = 'To remove', 'To redeem, 'To resolve'. Thus, DURGA will end our self-inflicted torments and redeem us to realization.

5 Dwaita (Naming of the Nameless) 'Dwaita' is DUALITY. Our each one's memory-kettle is all the while unavoidably kept hung on the constant fire of incoming sensations and thus its contents boiling continuously to send out the swishing steam of huff and puff self-conscious thinking. Inexplicably, while all other creatures are in a state of psychologically unresisting togetherness (Non-dual), the humankind is stuck in a state of 'Dwaita' (Duality). The basic power source of 'Dwaita' is our irresistible 'Naming Propensity'. This naming is the outcome of constant mental chattering.

'Advaita' and 'Dwaita' is not a clash between two lifeless "Schools of Philosophies", undertaken by uptight Pundits. 'Dwaita' is the actual plight of existence for the humankind. However strongly it may be philosophized against it, the sense of 'ME' and the 'OTHER' is ticking very vividly in us. The divisive 'Dwaita' governs all our social value systems and inter personal traits. The economic parameter of 'MINE' and 'THINE', adds momentum to our sense of separated individuality ('Dwaita'). There is an absolute sense of conclusiveness about the authenticity of our individuality and its separate "Destiny".

Our "ME" does not allow any sensation to pass, without it being named as good and bad, acceptable and unacceptable, fair and unfair, correct and incorrect etc. All these judgments are from the security of one's sense of individuality. This anxiety most often has least to do with our actual physical existence. This egoistic anxiety does not improve our security. Ironically, this uncalled for concern, only formants conflicts and strife in human inter personal relationship and endanger the factual security! The way, unquestioningly we feel and see ourself "clearly" separate from our behavioral deviations, is yet another potent form of 'Dwaita'. Thus, "I am" quite different from "My" anger, fear, desire, jealousy etc. Our 'Self-identity', is an absolute certainty for us. Even to merely hear that our self-identity is a suspect, is quite uncanny for us. In our daily life, it is the most basic functioning "reality"!

Such is the enigma of 'Dwaita'. It is like the perceptual feature 'Horizon'. It is very much "seen" but can never be 'reached'! Even after realizing the deceptiveness of 'Horizon', still one cannot escape the feature 'Horizon'. Yes, the relief is, one may not chase the horizon to catch the 'Rainbow' there! The only way-out of 'Dwaita' is in such a realization. We will perceive the mirage, but would never run towards it, to quench our thirst! The realized person lives in Dwaita but not of it! This is the essence and as well the extent of freedom, spiritual realization unfolds to a human being.

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