11 words found.
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Word | Meaning |
1 | | Aham Brahmasmi | This is one of the four 'Great Utterances' (Maha Vakya) appearing in the Upanishads. 'Maha'=Great and 'Vakya'=Utterance. At the point of time free moment of realization, a spontaneous exclamation comes forth as 'Aham Brahmasmi'. It means, 'Myself is the ABSOLUTE'. The 'Brahman' is the Absolute and 'Aham' is one's self.
The usual human ignorance is to deeply feel that, one is a separate and a limited "Identity". This notion of "Self-identity" engulfs the physical body, "Within IT'S" identity notion. Thus, 'I AM MY FORM' sense crystallizes. This self-identity is obsessed with a further notion that, ITS self-identity has to be protected and preserved only by struggling with LIFE in general and "Other-Identities" in particular. This in gist is human existence. "I, ME and MINE" as opposed to "Others and Theirs" is the hypnotic divide, in which human consciousness is trapped. At the moment of realization, the all-encompassing TRUTH that dawns, completely unifies, transcending mind's notional divisions. This palpable reality sends out a spontaneous joyful exclamation of 'Aham Brahmasmi' (I AM BRAHMAN).
2 | | Ahamkar | Usual English equivalent to this Sanskrit word is 'EGO'. But, the original word 'Ahamkar' ('Aham' + 'Kar') deals with much deeper ground of meanings and implications.
The first part 'Aham' ('A' + 'Ham') has to be seen segmented as, 'Ham' = 'Amness', ('Am' = The undifferentiated ABSOLUTE Consciousness, Self)/ Noumenon. The second step is: 'A + Ham' (Aham) = 'I Am' (Individualized limited consciousness, self / Phenomenon. This is the very first step towards the formation of 'Ego' notion.)
The Vedic scheme of spirituality attributes an undivided state of CONSCIOUSNESS as the noumenal substratum, WITHIN which all sentient and insentient aspects of Creation, spring up, get sustained for a while and dissolve back into the substratum. Such a continuous creative-process has been happening forever, without a beginning and an end. But, this continuous creative-process of birth, growth, decay and death, does neither exhaust nor affect the wholeness of the undivided substratum. This state of undivided CONSCIOUSNESS exudes 'Amness', which is the root of all levels of Intelligence. Thus 'Ham' (Amness) is the generic state of 'Pristine Intelligence'.
From the above point of undivided singularity, through the causeless creative-process, infinitely teeming many 'Atman' spring up. The state of consciousness of 'Atman' is 'Aham' (I Am). A rudimentary sense of individuality gets surfaced in the 'Aham' of 'Atman'. When 'Atman' gets embodied, it is 'Jivatma' ('Jiva' + 'Atma' = 'Jivatma'). 'Jiva' = Organic existence.
The further modification in the manifested 'Atman' (Jivatma) is, their 'Aham' sense deeply identify with the respective physical structure, in a tacit manner. This strong identification brings forth the notion of independent dweller-animator role in 'Aham' (I Am). Thus an acute conditioning as 'I Am This' (Ahamkar) gets crystallized. This hardened sense of limitation as 'I Am This', further propagates an unshakable sense of 'Doership' ('Karta'). This sense of 'Doership' also includes the deception of 'Enjoyer' (Bhokta), which covers both pleasure and pain syndrome ('Sukha' and 'Dhuka').
'I Am This' sense ("Ahamkar'), unavoidably apprehends 'I Am NOT That'. There is always a hidden fear in 'I Am Not That' feeling. Thus, 'I', 'ME' and 'MINE' notions, as against the 'OTHER' and 'THEIRS' (The World) idea get deeply fortified. Such an 'Ahamkar' (Ego) wages endless battle in the world (Jagat) during the life-time, which is termed in Sanskrit as 'Samsar' (Essence of ALL false notions!)
Freedom from this is possible, only by realizing the falsity of one's assumed self-identity of 'I Am This' and 'I Am The Doer (Ahamkar). Instead of questioning as to why at all these sequence of notional identifications begin in the first place, if one is feeling the heat and dust of 'Samsar' (deceptive life), then the ONLY WAY is to experientially work backwards from one's present state and realize how much false one's self-identity (Ego) truly is! If one's house is on fire, no one wastes time in asking the cause of the fire. In like manner, let a serious 'Sadhak' (student) not get distracted by seeking causes, to find cure for one's ego ailment. Let us get on with the curative 'Sadhana' (Diligent quest) of 'Who Am I?'
Only way to end the horror of one's nightmare is to wake up! Egotic mind is not merely ticking in individuals with power and possessions. Even a derelict and a destitute are pre-occupied with egoistic outlook. Those who suffer humiliation are only hurt. Humankind seldom learns true humility. Whatever may be the hard lessons, the LIFE imparts to us, still our 'Ahamkar' stays intact! This has to be seen as the main issue of our life.
Amness - I Am - I Am This - Doer - Enjoyer - I Am Not That - Others.
Ham - Aham - Ahamkar - Karta - Bhokta - Bhaya Bhit - Jagat
This is the path the Consciousness goes through from the Absolute to the
Relative state. But this entire sequence of modification is said to be only a
make-believe notion ( 'Maya'). Nothing is apart from the 'Absolute' and the CONSCIOUSNESS in its essence is 'NO-THING'! The whole show, is only a play ('Leela') of the divine! Actually 'No Creation' has taken place. What is being perceived is something like features in a dream. No reality and solidity can be attributed to dream-features. Only this 'Insight' can result in a living, as the water drops on a lotus-leaf. The water drops are on the leaf, yet not attached (sticking) to the leaf. Thus, one lives 'in' the world, but not 'of' the world. Detachment born out of such bird's eye view only can comprehensively dissolve 'Ahamkar' (EGO).
3 | | Ahimsa | The base word is 'Himsa', which means 'Harming', 'Disturbing', 'Destroying'. The prefix 'A' denotes 'Not'. Thus the word 'Ahimsa' means, 'Not harming', 'Not destroying', 'and Not disturbing'. But, Non-violence is not in merely talking heatedly and also sharing some group opinion about it. Thought, speech and action are the three dimensions, in which 'Ahimsa' (Non-violence) has to be alive and unhesitatingly work from moment-to-moment in one's life. Actually, much before physically assaulting, we destroy each other many a time, in our thought and speech level! The noisy ideology of non-violence must be sensitive to this fact. |
4 | | Ajiva | Insentient; non-living. |
5 | | Anekantavad | Generally this can be said to be the word in 'Prakrit' language, equivalent to the English title of 'The Theory of Relativity'. 'Anekantavad' is a doctrine in Jain philosophy, to highlight the relative state of all perceptions. 'Aneka-Anta' means 'Endlessly many', 'Vad' means 'Perceptions', 'Outlook', 'Grasp', 'Doctrine'.
Usually, the starting point of all human conflicts is due to our 'pathological' inability to accept without resistance that actually no viewpoint represents 'The Absolute TRUTH'. Each perception is surely limited by the relativistic constraints. But, we for ever tediously struggle and quarrel without ever realizing the fundamental all encompassing principle. Human mind cannot concede to that single indisputable TRUTH, that is, 'Onething which is absolutely CONSTANT in Creation is CHANGE!' 'Anekantavad' is based on this simple yet stupendous TRUTH. It gives acceptance for other views. One is not stuck with his own views.
The unmoving absolute substratum is beyond the realm of thoughts and words. The noise of concepts and chattering of values are the eternal hindrance to empathically dwell in the profundity of ABSOLUTE. The Substratum always defies all estimations and explanations. Only the inspired SILENCE is the most eloquent WAY to partake the fullness of the ABSOLUTE!
6 | | Anekantavada | Relativity.
7 | | Antarmukhi | 'Antar' = Inward + 'Mukhi' = Faced. Though this word is the opposite word for 'Bahiramukhi', implying 'Introversion', it does not mean introversion of sense organs per se! Sense organs are not meant to be kept turned inward. They have to do their innocuous work of life preservation. The word 'introversion', actually connotes to educating the ego ridden mind, to 'self-observe' with diligence of AWARENESS. It is to come upon the illusive nature of one's stubborn sense of individuality through acute ATTENTION. It is to 'Choicelessly-Witness' within, as to how the egoistic fears and desires germinate and exert immense pressure, which gets expressed as 'Abnormal Behaviors'. It is also to realize, that all our efforts of 'on the surface' correction and as well suppressions, only deepen the dis-ease of EGO and irretrievably complex our make-believe existential difficulties.(The issues in our midst may be are fictional, but the reactions they unleash are factually destructive. This should be noted without fail). 'Introversion' is also to KNOW without a trace of doubt, that there is no other force, except our own initiative of 'CHOICELESS ATTENTION', which can both expose and also radically cure our ego ailment. Completely emptying of our consciousness to regain purity within is, only possible through the decisive introversion (Antarmukhi). This state is to surrender, one's entire vitality unfragmented to the very basic issue of existence. |
8 | | Ardhanareeshwar | Perhaps, amongst the all-religious symbolisms in Hindu religion, 'Ardhanareeshwar' is the most ingeniously outstanding creation. The meaning is: 'Ardha' = Half + 'Naree' = Woman + 'Eshwar' = God. That is, the God who has half 'feminine form' and half 'male form'! Apart from the interesting mythological story behind this appearance, this form very clearly exemplifies the deep insight the ancient Seers of India had in understanding the nature of the ultimate noumenal reality. They realized that 'The Ultimate Substratum', is BIPOLAR in its quality. They knew well that the conundrum of 'seed first OR the tree first', leads to only a vexing doldrums state. They were also too advanced to propose a superintending human male as a creator, who went about the job of creation as an external agency. The ancient Vedic Seers profoundly realized that the multifarious infinite manifestations are inexhaustibly arising out of one common nondual substratum. This is the conclusion; the modern science is also encouraged to accept. Though nondual, this noumenal factor could not be SINGLE-POLAR, in its quality. The ancient Masters knew this for certain. For the endless dynamism of creation to emerge, the Ultimate factor (The ONE without the second) has to be complete ('Purnam') in ITSLEF. The male-female creative factors have to be fused into one single BIPOLAR Creatrix. This is outstandingly expressed in the form of 'Ardhanareeshwar'. Even the science of biology discovered that the primordial life-form was a hermaphrodite!
The 'Ardhanareeshwar' symbolization, apart from adequately depicting the state of the Absolute TOTALITY (Macrocosm), it also unfolds the nature of each one of us (Microcosm). No "Male' is exclusively all masculine and no 'Female' is all feminine. Each type has in it, a trace of its opposite. Male has in him few feminine qualities and female has in her few masculine traits. This has to be first and foremost recognized as a natural feature and should be owned up in complete humility. Resisting arbitrarily something, which is seen as undesirable, creates psychological disorders. Instead, they have to be seen as the complementing factors. This is as intended by the nature.
The latest findings of specialists in neurology, about the human brain, come fascinatingly close to 'Ardhanareeshwar'. The perceiving modality of human brain is having two distinct divides. The two hemispheres of human brain are reported to have two distinctly opposite ways of sensing and responding to the incoming sensations. The left cerebral half of human brain, functions through 'Word' dominated (Concepts and Logic) way, while the right cerebral half functions through 'Direct Spatial perception'. While the 'Right Brain' is naturally capable of creative perception involving insights and intuition, the 'Left Brain' is specialized in conceptual reasoning and verbal descriptions. For a balanced living both these capabilities are essential. Thus, though both halves of our brain differ in their quality, they perfectly complement each other to ensure a harmonious existence. The 'Right' and 'Left' cerebral hemispheres of human brain are perfectly synchronized by evolution, as portrayed by the ancient SEERS of India through 'Ardhanareeshwar'. In a human being, when the light of intuition fully complements the power of reasoning, he/she is said to have fulfilled the complete potentials of LIFE!
9 | | Asrav | In Jaina philosophy, there is nothing non-material about anything in the Creation. There are only gradations of "density" from the most gross to the purely subtle. Even the 'Soul' accordingly, is only absolutely subtle, yet having qualities and density. The power of 'Asrav' (Influx of Karma), conforming to the law of 'Karma', propels the appropriate 'Karmic-particles' to the corresponding 'Soul' and makes the bondage to happen. 'Karmic-particles' (Anu = Atom), differ in their composition from one another, depending on their intrinsic karmic-gravity.
The word asrava, etymologically means 'flowing ' or influx. According to Jaina philosophy, asrava means the influx of matter into the soul, due to actions of the body, mind and speech. The state of consciousness which causes the influx of karmic matter into a soul is known as Bhavasrava. In other words the Bhavasrava are thought activities which prepare the way for the influx of karma, whereas Drayasrava in the actual flowing in of matter into the soul by which different kinds of karmas are produced.
10 | | Atman | All creatures in general (including plants) and human beings in particular are intrinsically made of 'Atman'. 'Atman' is essentially same as the noumenal 'Brahman'. 'MAN' in Sanskrit language denotes 'Consciousness'. The word 'At' (Aath / Anthar) indicates 'within' and 'residing in'. Which means, the spirit (Consciousness) residing 'within' each human being is 'Atman'. Consciousness also includes 'Awareness' and 'Intelligence'. Even the English word MAN, is etymologically derived from the Sanskrit root-word of 'MAN", meaning Consciousness. The word MIND also comes from this source Sanskrit word 'MAN'! |
11 | | Awareness | The basis of perception in a human being is five sensory inputs of touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste. The surrounding ambience is perceived due to sense stimuli being processed by the brain's sense-centers and responded to, as per the urgency of importance. In the animal-world, their awareness as attention is always bound to self-preservation efforts. Awareness in humankind is the basis for thoughts and perception, as the protoplasm is the visible basis for organic existence.
Usually, awareness in human beings is always tethered to thinking. Constant mentation is the human mental state. This condition is so, both while being awake and as well asleep. Conscious, Sub-conscious and Unconscious states of human consciousness are always in a "clutched" state. Clutched by the egoistic self-centered thought process. Whereas, only in the "de-clutched" state, the AWARENESS regains the original pure state of undivided togetherness. Peace, quietitude and fullness are possible only in a declutched awareness. Freed from goals and pursuits, the awareness is just simply open. The capacity of ATTENTION in human beings, regains its full potential only in the declutched receptive state.
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