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1 Jaganmithya A very well-known 'Advaitic' maxim of "Brahman Satyam, Jaganmithya" is attributed Sri. Adi Sankara. Sri. Sankara asserts that, "Only the Absolute noumenal substratum is the valid reality, whereas the entire phenomenal world of manifestation is an ILLUSION". 'Brahman' is indicative of the enigmatic inexhaustible foundation IN which all aspects of creation manifest and get sustained for a while and finally get reabsorbed. Creation, Sustenance and Dissolution is the eternal cycle, underlying the world of plurality. The fundamental state of 'Brahman' is the unchanging non-dual state. Apart from indicating the transient quality of the material manifestations of phenomenal physical world, 'Jaganmithya' directly zeroes in on the "World" fabricated out of human values, concepts, images, fears and desires. Our mental world, which we call as "Human-World" is an illusion ('Mithya'). This world gets formulated only out of human mental delusions. All our delusions are the outcome of our fundamental notion of "I and ME" (EGO). This 'Jagan' (WORLD) of "I" and "ME", is 'Mithya' (ILLUSION)!

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