1 | | Ardhanareeshwar | Perhaps, amongst the all-religious symbolisms in Hindu religion, 'Ardhanareeshwar' is the most ingeniously outstanding creation. The meaning is: 'Ardha' = Half + 'Naree' = Woman + 'Eshwar' = God. That is, the God who has half 'feminine form' and half 'male form'! Apart from the interesting mythological story behind this appearance, this form very clearly exemplifies the deep insight the ancient Seers of India had in understanding the nature of the ultimate noumenal reality. They realized that 'The Ultimate Substratum', is BIPOLAR in its quality. They knew well that the conundrum of 'seed first OR the tree first', leads to only a vexing doldrums state. They were also too advanced to propose a superintending human male as a creator, who went about the job of creation as an external agency. The ancient Vedic Seers profoundly realized that the multifarious infinite manifestations are inexhaustibly arising out of one common nondual substratum. This is the conclusion; the modern science is also encouraged to accept. Though nondual, this noumenal factor could not be SINGLE-POLAR, in its quality. The ancient Masters knew this for certain. For the endless dynamism of creation to emerge, the Ultimate factor (The ONE without the second) has to be complete ('Purnam') in ITSLEF. The male-female creative factors have to be fused into one single BIPOLAR Creatrix. This is outstandingly expressed in the form of 'Ardhanareeshwar'. Even the science of biology discovered that the primordial life-form was a hermaphrodite!
The 'Ardhanareeshwar' symbolization, apart from adequately depicting the state of the Absolute TOTALITY (Macrocosm), it also unfolds the nature of each one of us (Microcosm). No "Male' is exclusively all masculine and no 'Female' is all feminine. Each type has in it, a trace of its opposite. Male has in him few feminine qualities and female has in her few masculine traits. This has to be first and foremost recognized as a natural feature and should be owned up in complete humility. Resisting arbitrarily something, which is seen as undesirable, creates psychological disorders. Instead, they have to be seen as the complementing factors. This is as intended by the nature.
The latest findings of specialists in neurology, about the human brain, come fascinatingly close to 'Ardhanareeshwar'. The perceiving modality of human brain is having two distinct divides. The two hemispheres of human brain are reported to have two distinctly opposite ways of sensing and responding to the incoming sensations. The left cerebral half of human brain, functions through 'Word' dominated (Concepts and Logic) way, while the right cerebral half functions through 'Direct Spatial perception'. While the 'Right Brain' is naturally capable of creative perception involving insights and intuition, the 'Left Brain' is specialized in conceptual reasoning and verbal descriptions. For a balanced living both these capabilities are essential. Thus, though both halves of our brain differ in their quality, they perfectly complement each other to ensure a harmonious existence. The 'Right' and 'Left' cerebral hemispheres of human brain are perfectly synchronized by evolution, as portrayed by the ancient SEERS of India through 'Ardhanareeshwar'. In a human being, when the light of intuition fully complements the power of reasoning, he/she is said to have fulfilled the complete potentials of LIFE!