1 | | Durga | Ignorant people in their arrogance always gloat with a pride of invincibility. The ego in humankind has been symbolized in the Hindu religious mythology as demon with destructive power. Unbridled avarice, extreme ill temper of craving to overlord the whole surrounding, are demonic qualities of ego. Seldom we realize that, what is portrayed as a despicable demon is none other than, our each one's venomous ego. Instead, we foolishly believe that these symbolic depictions of 'Good over the Evil', as mere mythological stories! It has been the human folly since the dawn of 'Time', that we see evil only in others. One group finds the rival group is full of evil. We are blind to our own evil ego. The evil of ego is at play in the meek and the strong alike!
Those who are intoxicated with power of authority and wealth are generally the frightened type. Notwithstanding their paranoia, their sense of vanity and bravado compel them to imagine, that nothing can overthrow their present vice grip. Our swaggering ego invariably gets repeatedly deflated from the most unexpected quarter of the enigmatic LIFE! This is the exact aspect each of the demon stories repeatedly, but in a most absorbing manner, portray. The demon kings amass enormous powers and thus get arrogantly foolish and overlook some very unassuming sources from where a suitable power can emanate to rout them out completely! Divine retributions take the form of a innocuous looking child (Sri.Krishna), a tender lad (Kartikeya), a young girl (Durga), a dwarf (Vaman Avatar), an ordinary man without an army (Sri.Rama) helped only by a bunch of monkeys), to vanquish the evil. The apparently vulnerable exterior of such avenues of retributions, escape the otherwise sharp attention of the evil intelligence of Demons. Intoxicated by the brutal power, the arrogance totally blinds the perception of the 'What Is?' All the demonic characters portrayed in the mythologies without an exception are highly accomplished and endowed generously with astounding physical and mental powers. They had even conquered the heavens and sent the inhabitants scattering. They had uniformly established their hegemony in all the three regions and terrorized even gods!
The above details of evil come dangerously close to our own ego. Ego is perhaps the most battle hardened "entity" in the survival techniques. It is the master of all 'tricks in the pack'! It pervades all the three of states of consciousness in us. Its presence is obvious in the waking and dreaming part of consciousness. We normally underestimate our ego and feel that it is absent in the third part, our deep-sleep state. It is only lying low, hibernating and awaiting the daybreak! Such is the pervasive nature of our egoistic state of existence. Such an "invincible" deception shall surely meet a 'DURGA', to be blown into pieces! This is the immutable law of LIFE. In all those demon stories, the evil one is always given innumerable opportunities to mend its way and embark the life of virtue (Egolessness). In each and every day of our lives, there are enough moments drawing our attention to the fact of deception behind our sense of ego. There are ample proofs, the life provides to indicate that the only cause for our suffering and anguish is our EGO. But the "clutch" of ego is so severe that the warnings are always unheeded to. Nevertheless, always the final moment of reckoning comes, when the evil gets summarily vanquished. Our ego shall meet inescapably, this destiny!
Sooner, we wake up to this unfailing law; it is beneficial for all of us and as well to all other aspects of Creation. "DURGA' awaits all of us. 'Du'= 'To burn', 'Consume with fire', 'To torment', 'Distress', 'Produce sorrow'. "Ga' = 'To remove', 'To redeem, 'To resolve'. Thus, DURGA will end our self-inflicted torments and redeem us to realization.