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1 Shiva This word denotes, 'Auspicious', 'Bliss', "Final Beatitude', and 'Conducive to confer happiness'. These qualities indicate the state of noumenal absolute 'Purusha'. These shades of meanings for the word 'Shiva' appear to be "Positive", as opposed to "Negative" state of experiencing. The TRUTH is, far from such limitation arising out of pairs of opposites. The ground of opposites is the reactions of limitation. The egoistic self-identity reacts with likes and dislikes, attraction and revulsion. The all-supporting realm of 'Shiva' is the ripples free neutral state. Hence the bliss and beatitude emanating from the 'Shiva' principal is 'Auspicious'. As in ignorant human beings, the so-called "Positive" experiences, which are make-believe and short-lived, are incapable of being auspicious. They only engender conflicts and struggle in our midst. Thus, no other symbolization of divinity in Hindu philosophy comes close to the state of 'Shiva'. It is said that, "If the quality of 'Shiva' is not present in a person, then he is as good as a 'Shava' (Corpse)!" In the pantheon of Hindu gods, the name 'Shiva' is attributed to that aspect of divinity, which is responsible for DISSOLUTION in the ceaseless creative-process of the Universes! Thus, Hindu view of death is very much auspiciousness!

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