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1 OM It is indeed a riddle, whether the 'Sound' creates the corresponding 'Vibration' or the 'Vibration' causes the 'Sound'. Both in the known and as well the unknown Universe, the Sound and Vibration are two sides of the same coin of the creative-process of manifestation. In the range of sounds, a substantial extent is beyond the sensing range of human ears. There are scores of pulsing vibrations, which are beyond the sense of our everyday extroverted state. The "normal" human perception is that the planet Earth and the realm of matter in it including one's own body-form, is in a stable and solid-state. The TRUTH is far from this faulty and limited perception. There seems to be a stupendous order of controlled fluidity ruling the existence of everything in the Universe, ranging from the gigantic galaxies to a blade of grass on the roadside. All aspects of the grand Creation are vibrantly dynamic within a synchronous state of flux. There is an impeccable ORDER governing the infinitely multifarious manifestations, appearing and disappearing in a blinding rapidity.

Each apparently independent unit of manifestation is a bundle of scintillating vibration, strung exquisitely in the grand order of togetherness, which in 'Itself' (The 'Togetherness' state) is the primeval nodal vibration. 'OM' points to this fundamental state of Absolute resonance. But, 'OM' is unlike any other sound in the universe, because it is the uncaused primal sound and vibration. This acausal state is, 'The Only Support' ('Adhar') of the total creation. Within 'Its' enormity, the whole teeming manifestations appear and disappear as vibrating 'soundlets'! Each one of our heart beats and the pulse rhythm is intimately connected to 'OM'. If one can internalize the awareness, this deeply absorbing harmonics of sound and vibration play, can be palpably witnessed! The sound of the roaring sea, the whistling wind, the river in spate, the downpour of rain, the engulfing inferno etc have their sound perfectly tuned to the uncaused hum of 'OM'.

The 'OM' contains in it three syllables of 'AUM'. The resonance of 'OM' hums through these three levels of sonorous tonality. At the end of each cycle of hum, there a poignant gap is present. These three syllables are associated with; human waking, dreaming and deepsleep state. The teacher initiates a student in the spiritual path, by directing the student's attention to get poised while chanting 'AUM' to the play of his own consciousness through the three states of waking, dreaming and deepsleep. The poignant fourth state (Turiya) is the transcendent state of Universal-Togetherness, in which the student's conscious merges, after the completion of each cycle of chanting. Thus, 'AUM' is the most potent aid for deeper meditation. The three syllables of 'AUM' also point at the three states of universal cyclic creative-process of 'Creation, Sustenance and Dissolution'. 'OM' is indeed encoded with volumes of spiritual insights.

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