1 | | Thought | The dictionaries normally identify the word 'Thought' as a noun, meaning a thing. While amplifying the entry 'noun', following categories are listed: "Class of things, people, places or ideas". Thus, "Thought' comes under the last class of "Ideas" . Some of the biologists call the 'Thought' as the non-material matter! They are perhaps "seeing", that thoughts are stored in the neurons as biochemical substance. Yet the whole scientific fraternity is deeply baffled by the human thought-process. Though they do find some similarity between human thinking mode and the supposed to be thought based responses of animals, the enigma of 'Thought' has not lessened for them. They have modeled computers on the basis of just one aspect of human thinking mode (Binary-system) of 'Yes' and 'No' options. The entire human 'Thought-World' cannot be confined to this rather a mechanical binary system. Human response to 'Metaphors', 'Humor', 'Similes', 'Emotive-words' etc go far beyond the realm of binary thinking process. The field of 'Artificial-Intelligence' encounters uncharted domain of enigmatic human thinking-process. The specialists in the field of 'AI' are increasingly seeing human thinking as 'ANALOGOUS' mode of functioning. That is: The human 'Thought-matrix' functions parellely, looped and inter-connected. Human thinking mode is operating in a gestalt pattern, which is as yet, very difficult to duplicate in the computer-robotics. The in-depth understanding of this challenging realm is indeed a daunting task. The most commonplace responses of humankind by way of laughter, crying out of emotion, grasp of the unmentioned 'directly' etc., are a grey area. Robotics and Protein interfaced electronic chips in Bioelectronics are the examples of Scientist's desperation to de-code the 'THOUGHT' enigma. But, their utilitarian attempts are only aimed to frivolously exploit in the marketplace the range of power hidden in THOUGHT!
The responses of human beings are easily seen, but the 'PERCEPTIONS', which produces these responses, are not available for our seeing. All the while the human beings are busy 'THINKING', but seldom we pay attention (Think) , to the compulsive 'THINKING', that is happening in us. The greatest source of disturbance, distraction and at times even terror for human beings is our own thoughts. The one single essence of all 'Thoughts' is to arrogate an independent "Existence"! Though we usually externalize the reason for our thoughts, we should realize that no single external situation produces the same intensity of identical thought in all the people, at the same moment. Thus, some intrinsic realm of consciousness ticking as self-consciousness in each human being sends forth thinking. Common data fed into many memories, bring forth a wide range of responses. Though the essential generic qualities of thoughts such as fear, desire, anger, greed, jealousy, insecurity etc may be are common to the entire humankind, the individual responses are based on the set of priorities present as pressure, in each human being. Thus, 'Thoughts' are universal for the human world, yet at the same time they are intimately personal to each person. Only this situation creates, the psychological realm for each person.
The state of self-consciousness, which in humankind is engaged constantly with an arrogating sense of 'I' and 'ME', is THAT mysterious ground from where human psychological realm germinate. Hence without deeply comprehending this enigma, 'Thought-control', 'Thought-sublimation' and 'Thought-moderation' through religious and psychiatric methods can only yield shallow results, leaving the ailment intact. So far, the 'THOUGHT OF INDIVIDUALITY' is continuing, the psychological traits (Klesha) shall surely prevail and bias our behavior. Thus, human self-conscious condition of 'I' and 'ME' (EGO) is the pre-psychological state. This is the hoary abnormality present in Consciousness of the entire humankind. Thus, innately by the very birth as human beings, we are neurotically egoistic! This human condition is called by 'Vedanta' as 'Avidya' = Ignorance and 'Maya' = Deception.
Instead of teaching some methods of mere adjustments and compromise with 'Maya' (Which is the way of Psychology), spirituality makes the student to learn the truth ('Para-Vidya') underlying the very deception and turn oneself unconditionally free. Thus, realization means, unconditional freedom from the age-old ignorance harboring "in us". Such realized ones are called 'SWAMI', which means 'MASTER OF ONESELF'. The one, who has put the very 'Genesis of THOUGHT', at its correct sub-ordinate place, is the true MASTER! Only HE is the man of FREEDOM.