1 | | Samadhi | The gateway to realization is 'Samadhi'. All spiritual quests and Yogic efforts have to necessarily lead to 'Samadhi', so as to finally culminate into realization. In fact, it is very arduous to separate 'Samadhi' as the route and the 'Realization' as the destination. In a way, without 'Realization' as the pre-condition,'Samadhi' cannot happen. This is the reason, a SEER had mentioned that, "The First Step Is The Last Step!'
Then, What is "Samadhi"? This is one of the most complete words in Sanskrit, which invites one's attention to journey into the deepest realm of LIFE. 'Sama' = Balance, Equilibrium, Poise, Composure. 'Aadhi' = Primal, Original, Beginning. Thus 'Samadhi' means 'Original-Equilibrium', 'Primal-Balance', and 'Poise of the Beginning moment'. Can there be a more 'complete' word than this ultimate expression? Can the ultimate state of 'Samadhi', which is reached through infinite devotion, be considered as a "means" for realization OR that only 'Realization' could have set the consciousness of the student to journey through relentless negation to reach the ultimate twilight zone of 'Original-Equilibrium' ('Samadhi')?
Let us not enter into hair-splitting squabble of "Egg first or Chick first?" Our attention should instead delve in the sublime quality of the word 'Samadhi'. This state of Consciousness is not a blinking state of blighted inertia. On the contrary, this is the deepest source of all surface manifestations, which is ever pure and full of concepts-free innocence, in spite of confounding surface modifications. When the consciousness returns from this rejuvenating source to daily life, it brings along and imparts to the daily life a remarkable sense of directness as spontaneity and abounding peace. In one's life, frequent opportunities should be made possible, out of one's own initiative, to repeatedly journey to 'THE SOURCE'. Only this way, the individual and as well the collective life going disastrously astray can be averted. Only this gives the vitality to transcend the surface oddity, which otherwise submerges our sensitivities and turns it violent. 'Samadhi' is the source of symbiotic intuitive intelligence. This is the all-containing realm of BALANCE!