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1 Mauna SILENCE, is 'Mauna'. The thought-spindle rattles to-and-fro across incessantly, in the weaving loom of human mind. The noise decibel of this rattle is indeed incredible. The Consciousness, which is supporting the biological existence surely registers the undue stress produced by such continuous mentation. Through ageing, the natural sensitivities of the human mind are progressively and as well swiftly lost. But, during our lifetime it never ever occurs to us to pay our attention to this ongoing malady. Though we react adversely to the outer shrill noises, we are not caring to notice in us, the thought-mill that is clanking all the while. In fact, as we are presently, we are the thought-mill! We seek external silence, not realizing the least that we dare not cut off power supply to our thought-mill. If by some factor, the mill comes to a grinding halt, as most of us are so much steeped into its rhythm, we will go insane unable to face the SILENCE. Like an infant gets used to the rocking of the cradle to sleep, we are used to the maddening rhythm of mentation. All the 99.9% contents of our meandering mentation are absolutely irrelevant for factual existence. Some of us who have attempted meditation to quieten the inner chattering, surely realize as to how strong the addiction of mentation is. In fact, more than the meditation techniques bringing inner quietness, it is only our direct realization of the utter futility of addiction to the habit of mentation, can usher SILENCE ('Mauna').

To let go the passing thoughts, without irresistibly latching on to it, is the essence of all spiritual endeavor. This inner poise, drastically changes the compulsive nature of mentation. The resulting SILENCE, is not opposite of SOUND! Let this is not be, just a fashion-statement. One should slip into this state and SEE!

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