1 | | Observer is the Observed | In any self-improvement system, there is a very strong understanding that, through a method, one can change any aspect of himself, which is causing problem in the daily life. Such self-improvements are always destined to be deceptive. The stress and problems will only have their modified continuity! Then, where is the CATCH? Why the self-improvement is not taking place, in the actual sense, in spite of our best efforts? The foundation of human mental structure is, an unchecked notion of a separate individuality. An individuality of 'I' and "ME' as opposed to the 'Others'. No one in their entire lifetime ever reviews, this tacit (non-verbal) conclusion, based on which the entire contents of one's life get formulated. This sense of individuality (Ego) and the division between the 'ME' and the 'Other' is taken for granted as an unquestionable fact. With this deep-rooted ignorance unshakably intact, the self-improvement efforts are undertaken!
The 'Observer', who says that something "in" him should be changed, is none other than this delusive notion of 'I' and 'ME'. The particular undesirable "something", which is needing change, is not at all different from the notional entity of 'I'. The 'self-identity and the undesirable trait', both are two sides of the very same coin! The coin is delusion. It is never ever realized that, unless, 'the bath-tub along with bath-water and the "baby", is thrown away', the ego deception shall continue to give crisis. We do not grasp that, keeping our sense of ego intact, trying to change a trait here and a habit there, is only amounting to shadow-boxing. This way, 'The Observer' will survive to create endless deceptions, in spite of trying to change many 'Observed' traits! Every time the stable door is closed, the horse has already bolted! This game will continue, until the point where it is choicelessly seen that 'The Observer is the Observed!'