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1 Siddhi Supra-normal psychic capabilities is 'Siddhi'. The usual meaning attributed to this "mystical" word is, to arouse para-normal psychic capacities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, de-materialization and rematerialization, transmigration etc. Magicians, who neither possess nor claim any spiritual breakthrough in them, also perform these feats. They attribute all these to the skill of 'sleight of hand'.

Here is a very interesting and as well an instructive anecdote in this context. Once Sri. Ramakrishna Paramahansa (Guru of world renowned Swami Vivekananda), was sitting with his eyes open, yet immersed in total state of sense-absorption, cut off from the outer reality, on the bank of river Hoogly in Calcutta. That time a Yogi came crossing the river by 'Walking on the river-water!' He came to the bank where Paramahansa was sitting. The Yogi approached very haughtily and asked Ramakrishna whether he noticed the way he came walking on the water? Ramakrishna pleaded ignorance, because he was immersed within. But, he with a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes, yet in a serious tone asked the Yogi as to what is the fare that the boatman charges for a ride to cross the river. The unsuspecting haughty Yogi replied, "Don't you know? The fare is only two paisa?" Paramahansa compassionately looked at the Yogi and said the TRUTH. "Then your yogic feat is worth only two paise!"

Yes, the goal of spiritual quest is not for such peripheral gains, which after all are only misguiding distractions. A true Master always warns the student to be wary of such hindrances. The genuine 'Siddhi' (Accomplishment) is to stay unaffected by the 'Siddhi' (Para normal capabilities). It was pointed out more comprehensively by a Master that, "No one establishes a sugar factory to produce molasses. It is always a by-product!"

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