1 | | Kaivalyam | The ultimate realized state in the realm of spirituality is 'Kaivalyam'. Sage Patanjali brings his magnum opus work on 'The Science Of YOGA' with a most comprehensive Sutra about 'Kaivalya'. "Kaivalya is that state of Self-realization in which the 'Purusa' (Spirit of pure Consciousness) gets established finally when the purpose of ITS long evolutionary unfoldment has been attained. In this state the 'Guna' (Tendencies) having fulfilled their purpose, recede to a condition of equilibrium and therefore the power of pure Consciousness can function without any obscuration or limitation".
No verbal description can convey the state of unconditional absolute freedom. All that can be indicated is that, in one's daily existence, a general sense of resistance free living, profoundly positive co-operation, communing with others through peace and wisdom, will prevail. These qualities obviously indicate that the divisive factor of EGO, stands dissolved. The identity "in" such a person, is only functional and not psychological! This state of freedom from ego, is 'Kaivalya'