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1 Sat-Chit-Ananda 'Truth - Knowledge - Bliss'. Human sense faculties have limited capacities even to sense the WHOLE range of physical sensations. Under this condition, 'The Ultimate Absolute Substratum' of the universal creative-process totally defies all human efforts of estimations and explanations. But the modern scientific field has extended the range of human senses by devising extensive tools to aid, like microscope, radio-telescope, x-rays, ultra-sonic detectors, satellite aided imaging, satellite aided communication, super-sonic travel etc.

All sciences only rely on physical cause and effect and thus limit themselves and conform to physical realm of existence. Hence, their extension devices are also limited only to physical realm! Whereas, a spiritually evolved human being SEES the whole of creative-process as not only the play OF Consciousness, but also, it is happening IN Consciousness. Hence the sensing improvement accomplished by them is in the realm of Consciousness. They could experientially (Not only experimentally) imbibe the qualitative state of The Ultimate Absolute Substratum. In the very word "Experimental", its limitation gets mentioned, i.e., "Mental". The "Mental" state though a very important mode of perception, it indeed has many shortcoming by way of producing deceptions through errors. To overcome this limitation, one needs to develop through the path of 'Inward' evolution, one's level of consciousness. The error through deception is due to spiritual division within us creating a separate egoistic individuality. Until this self-limitation is completely gone beyond, evolution in consciousness is not possible.

A Seer, who has experienced by communing with The Ultimate Absolute Substratum, when he wants to relate that quality to the uninitiated ordinary people, he has no other choice but to use the words of daily language. Whereas, when one realized human being conveys to another equally realized being, even a smile is adequately eloquent.

Words are only a pointer. They convey different connotations for differently evolved minds. An epithet such as: "Sat-Chit-Anand" can convey many levels of meanings. Ordinarily, this is rendered as, "Truth-Knowledge-Bliss" Sat = Truth, Chit = Knowledge , Anand = Bliss. These qualities can be mistakenly equated to a person, who is, "Righteous, Intelligent, Successful"! Ordinarily, we human beings understand, Truth as Righteousness, Knowledge as Intelligence and Anand as Successful! Unevolved minds, when they hear and repeat such pointers comprehend only in a shallow manner. They foolishly try to bolster their sense of self-esteem, which is already a stumbling block.

The SEER, who uttered 'Sat - Chit - Anand' pointer meant surely something exalted and profound. 'Sat' stands for the quality of undiminishing and unchanging PURITY.' Chit' stands for underlying Consciousness as 'Chaitanya' (Continuous AWARENESS). 'Anand' stands for unchanging 'Purnatva' (Fullness). All these astounding qualities are 'KAAL' (Time) defying. There is no past and future for this all prevailing and all containing and all embracing quality. There is only an eternal PRESENT, as moment-to-moment existence for this awe-inspiring Ultimate Absolute Substratum. A human being who is evolved in consciousness, looks at the micro and Macrocosm in such an unconventional way!

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