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1 Koham TO Soham ("Who Am I?' to 'I Am That!') Within these two magnificent Sanskrit words, the entire soul stirring spiritual journey is condensed and artistically presented to mankind. This is indeed the ultimate spiritual formula! But, a profound study is essential to fully imbibe the total significance of this 'Sutra' (formula).

'Koham' = 'Who Am I?' 'Soham' = 'I Am THAT!'

The mother of all spiritual enquiry is to ask in a relentless quest as to, 'Who Am I?' The crisis in the human world is the crisis in human consciousness and nowhere else. This crisis is due to our ignorance about our 'Self-Identity". From our very birth, through growth, decay and finally death, we are harassed by a kaleidoscopic play of "Self-Identity". No aspect of our long list of self-identities, gives us a lasting satisfaction and abiding sense of peace. But, we seldom earnestly question the pageantry of self-identities passing through our mind. Many of us are not quick-witted enough, to subject ourself to such a self-questioning. Whereas, the genuine spiritual journey is said to have begun, only when an authentic question arises as a quest, 'Who Am I?' ('Koham').

This question of 'Who Am I?" is not really meant for weak-hearted and clay-footed. Most of us cannot hold out for long. Hastily, we adorn ourself with one identity or the other and get stuck-up with it! But, the enigmatic law of LIFE seems to be such; it just does not spare us to rest contented in distraction. Yes, an identity is indeed a distraction for 'Consciousness'. Hence, one's consciousness should be fully AWARE of any identity and its make-believe nature. As the distraction of identity has upset the neutral-poise of ATTENTION, dissatisfaction creeps in us and once again our window-shopping for identity begins. In the plethora of 'Identities' none of them are either superior or inferior. All of them bind one's 'Being' alike.

Whereas, if one is steadfast in not getting head-on involved with any form of identity and has the swift ALERTNESS to perceive the transient quality of passing identities, only then, a so far unknown freedom dawns in our Being. This frees us from the very craving for seeking identities. When such an unlimited and unconditioned freedom floods our consciousness, one is truly TOGETHER with everything else simultaneously. A profound sense of harmony exudes from one's BEING. In this state, the BEING exclaims, 'SOHAM!' 'I AM THAT!'

Here the word 'THAT' is not limited to a particular thing or an aspect. 'THAT' truly signifies 'EVERYTHING', the TOTALITY of Creative-process as a whole. What is of immense importance and significance is, there is a loss of stubborn sense of egoistic individuality, when such a wholistic SEEING happens. 'Koham' to 'Soham' is such a transmutative spiritual journey!

*In the beginning one's inner state is egoistic 'AHAM" (I AM).

*Then the quest of 'KOHAM' (WHO AM I?).

*Finally 'SOHAM' (I AM THAT!), is the state of realization.


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