1 | | Void | The term 'Void' in spirituality is quite akin to the 'Quantum-state' of science of Particle-physics, in which it is said that 'Particle-and-Wave' quality manifest in an enigmatic 'Uncertainty-Principle'. 'Quantum-state' is governed by 'Uncertainty-Principle'. Hence this state is not available for Direct measurement. The ultimate building block of the Universe simultaneously possesses the contradictory qualities of both 'Particle' and 'Wave'. This appears to be the state of modern day physical science. It sounds quite paradoxically philosophic!
The spiritual noumenal state is also beyond the ken of senses and hence beyond all measurements. A continuous shower of teeming phenomena eternally manifest and stay sustained for a while and get dissolved back into the imperceptible noumenal state. Only this creative-process of the noumenal state is visible for our sense perception. Foundation of the creative-process is the unknowable state. Though unknowable, ITS presence is a certainty, because the creative-process of birth, growth, decay and death is happening continuously, forever. This unseen, yet the most potential noumenal state is the Spiritual-Void.
In the Buddhist philosophy, the word 'Sunya' is used to indicate this fecund state. But, many quarrel with this term because they fear that this word indicates a negative state. Yes, 'Sunya' is of course the state of 'Nothingness'. But not to fear! 'Nothing', indicates only a state of No-thingness. Only in our pluralistic world of concepts based reality, man-made value attributes, fashion "Things". The unfathomable noumenal realm cannot be netted by our make-believe attributes. Hence the only way something can be uttered about this realm is by the negation approach. Thus, the word 'Sunya' is said to be the state of No-thing. 'Sunya' is equivalent to 'Void'. Manifestations happen out of an inexplicable 'Unmanifest-Principle'. Hence in spiritual parlance, manifestation is denoted as Heart and the Unmanifest as 'Void', 'Sunya', 'Brahman', and 'Hiranya-Garbha'.
The 'Void' of science cannot account for 'Consciousness'. The only level at which the scientists see the presence of consciousness, is as the limiting and a dividing factor, not as a revealing realm. That is, the either/or position of particle or wave is only due to the perceiving consciousness of the 'Observer' (the human scientist)! Human perception can see only one thing at a given moment. Thus for science, at best consciousness is only a dividing factor. Their non-duality deals only with non-conscious matter and energy (force). Thus one can say that, their non-duality is materialistic in quality. They say that, 'the particle of wave' and 'the particle of matter' are different aspects of the same fundamental entity and thus are unified (non-dual). BUT, notwithstanding even their most recent 'String Theory' and the current 'Theory Of Everything' (TOE), ' Consciousness' seems to be way beyond the ken of science!
Whereas, the noumenal 'Void' of spirituality is seen as the quintessential 'Consciousness' (Chaitanya). Every aspect of Creation contains the 'Void's' essential quality of consciousness. The common ground of Togetherness, which spirituality asserts, is this sharing of 'Void's' consciousness. Thus, the 'Void' of science is cold and forlorn. Whereas, the 'Void' of spirituality is warmly unifying with 'Togetherness'! Hence, LIFE is a celebration for a spiritually balanced person.