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1 Mai Atman Hoon This is an expression in Hindi language indicating that after hearing and reading Vedantic texts (Second-hand knowledge), one simply claims that 'I am Atman!' The popular and as well the ignorant perception is 'One is one's form'. The Upanishads declare that, one's essential state is ego-free 'Atman'. Qualitatively, this state is same as 'Brahman' (The Absolute). This declaration is surely the fact. But, one has to be consumed by this enormous realization and not just utter it as a mere cliché.

Master Gurdjieff clarified that, it is wrong to assume that in birth itself all human beings are born with a 'Soul'. No, they are not! SOUL is something a human being acquires, if only he/she evolves to the full potentials. Thus, SOUL is the higher possibility towards which one has to diligently work. Most people are born asleep, live in sleep and also finally die asleep!

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