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1 Vedanta This word consists of two parts. a) 'Veda'= Vedas are four great collections of compositions in Sanskrit language, expressing extraordinary level of profundity of ancient Vedic civilizations. Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva are the names of these four Vedas. All these ancient scriptures are still very much in active use in today's India. b) 'Anta'= 'At the end'. Hence, 'At the end of Vedas is Vedanta'. The root of the word 'Veda' is 'Vid' = 'To know', 'Divine knowledge'.

The 'Upanishads' are the quintessence of profound investigations, undertaken by the Seers and Saints in the ancient Vedic India (Bharat). These 'Upanishads' are placed at the end of these four Vedas. While the main portion of 'Vedas' deal with intricate ritualistic approach ('Karma-Kanda') to religiosity, the 'Upanishads' unfold the analytical and investigative approach ('Gnana-Kanda') to comprehend the ultimate TRUTH of the Absolute. The one who comprehends this ultimate truth is called as SEER ('Drishta'). To SEE within oneself the all encompassing absolute TRUTH is realization. 'Vedanta' provides ample scope for such a realization to dawn in anyone who diligently undertakes to study 'Vedanta' (Upanishads).

A SEER in our own lifetime unfolded a very profound insight into the word 'Vedanta'. He pointed out an unseen vista by revealing that, 'Veda'=Knowledge and 'Anta'=Ending. That is, 'Ending of knowledge is Vedanta'! The ultimate TRUTH governing both the micro and the Macrocosm is beyond the reach of all our clever concepts and astute analysis. Only, when one realizes the utter futility of trying to reach the dizzy summit of realization, by using the rope made out of our sandy knowledge, that one will reach spontaneously the auspicious point of 'Ending of knowledge predominance' in his/her life!

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