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1 Anekantavad Generally this can be said to be the word in 'Prakrit' language, equivalent to the English title of 'The Theory of Relativity'. 'Anekantavad' is a doctrine in Jain philosophy, to highlight the relative state of all perceptions. 'Aneka-Anta' means 'Endlessly many', 'Vad' means 'Perceptions', 'Outlook', 'Grasp', 'Doctrine'.

Usually, the starting point of all human conflicts is due to our 'pathological' inability to accept without resistance that actually no viewpoint represents 'The Absolute TRUTH'. Each perception is surely limited by the relativistic constraints. But, we for ever tediously struggle and quarrel without ever realizing the fundamental all encompassing principle. Human mind cannot concede to that single indisputable TRUTH, that is, 'Onething which is absolutely CONSTANT in Creation is CHANGE!' 'Anekantavad' is based on this simple yet stupendous TRUTH. It gives acceptance for other views. One is not stuck with his own views.

The unmoving absolute substratum is beyond the realm of thoughts and words. The noise of concepts and chattering of values are the eternal hindrance to empathically dwell in the profundity of ABSOLUTE. The Substratum always defies all estimations and explanations. Only the inspired SILENCE is the most eloquent WAY to partake the fullness of the ABSOLUTE!

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