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1 Tirtha-Sthal In the Hindu religious tradition, pilgrimage points are called 'Tirtha-Sthal'. Each such point consists of a temple accompanied by a water-spot, by way of a pond, tank, river, sea-beach or at least a well. The respective water-spots are also considered along with the temples as a venerable holy aspect, worthy of reverence and worship. Normally a typical tree is also included as a holy point. These trees are referred as 'Sthal-Vriksha' (Sthal = Place of pilgrimage and Vriksha=Tree). A dip in these holy water, is considered to provide healing and cleansing of one's past bad deeds and ailments as well. Indeed, this is a powerful psychological therapy. This also inculcates non-verbally a positive sense in the devotee's mind towards the environment.

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