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1 Satguru In this word the part 'Sat' means 'Eternal', 'Constant', 'Always'. The part 'Guru' stands for 'Inspiration', 'Guidance', 'To lead'. Guru is the one, who always unfailingly leads a person in sorrow due to ignorance, away from the darkness of confusion, to the light of awareness and enlightenment. "Satguru', is that type of 'Guru', who has a constant and unbroken PRESENCE in each one's life. The light of awareness as 'Atman' residing in each one's consciousness is essentially one's 'Satguru'! The world renowned Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi used to point out that, " A Sadhak while getting pushed from outside by the human Guru, the Satguru from inside draws the Sadhak (disciple) inward!" This means, 'One's Being is drawn to the undivided SOURCE'.

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