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1 Brahman The word syllable 'Brah' denotes 'Vast', 'Total', 'ALL encompassing' etc. The syllable 'Man', as stated above means 'Consciousness', 'Awareness', 'Intelligence' etc. Thus the Sanskrit word 'Brahman' means 'The ALL pervading TOTAL Consciousness'. Hence, 'Brahman' is the non-dual ultimate noumenal substratum, from which all 'Atman' emerge and get reabsorbed. 'Brahman' is also indicated by the word 'Self' with the capital letter 'S'. 'Self' also indicates the rudimentary sense of PRESENCE, underlying our egoistic mode of perception. The 'thought-flow' is made possible only by THIS unmoving constant PRESENCE in us. But, instead of realizing the unmoving nature of our core 'Being-state', out of ignorance a condition of alienation has crept in us. This stigma is the essence of individuality, which is merely a hypnotic aberration!

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