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1 Maya The crux of the philosophy of 'Advaita' is 'Maya'. The word 'Maya' carries such a shocking range of meaning, even in the day-to-day usage. 'Maya' = Deceit, Fraud, Trickery, Phantom, Illusion, magic, Enchantment, False, Unreality etc. While endeavoring to comprehend the nature of the whole creation, in which we human beings are also an integral aspect, the Seers realized that the ever-changing Creation is UNREAL! But, contrary to this fact, all human beings are overcome by a power of hallucination ('Maya'), thus very deeply and strongly feel that everything including themselves are concrete certainties! In the word 'Maya', the part 'Ma' stands for 'To measure', 'Mark off', 'Compare with', 'See', 'Limits'. The part 'Ya' stands for 'To go', 'Proceed', 'Attempt'. The human mind attempts 'to measure' the WORLD that it experiences. But, what it tries to measure is turning out to be immeasurable because THAT is an 'illusion'! The ever-changing features of created reality do not lend themselves to any conclusive measurement and assessment! The crowning irony is that the mind of human beings along with their physical bodies is part of the all-embracing illusion. Thus the situation is, the illusion is attempting vainly to measure illusion! Till the human grasp is bound by and limited to names and forms, 'Illusion will only beget Illusion!' This way 'Maya' is endless. But, if the fundamental realization dawns, gaining profound insight into this core-issue, then the spell of the illusion ends. This way 'Maya' can be ended! The fear and anguish of dreaming can only end by waking up.

The spell of 'Maya' can only end by realizing the fundamental TRUTH of one's self-identity. As individuals we are only illusions ('Maya' and 'Mithya'). As an integral aspect of the unknowable essence, all phenomenal manifestations are relevant ('Satya'). If the relative-relevance of plurality ('Yathartha') present in our daily world is deeply understood, then we are free from their baffling contradictions. Then it is possible to live, without superimposing on them undue importance. Such a person has enough of free inner-space to contemplate and comprehend the subtlety of the Absolute non-dual substratum ('Paramartha'). Thus, even though one has to deal with 'Maya' in one's daily life, our attention and awareness can remain free without having to be caught and lost in it.

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