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1 Mantra A Collection of terse syllables having profound religious import, chanted as an inspiring aphorism, is termed as 'Mantra'. The etymological connection to the word 'Mantra' is 'MAN'. This root-word 'MAN' means,' Mind', 'Consciousness', and 'Perceiving-Modality'. The suffix part of 'Tra' is derived from 'Trayete', which means, 'Protecting', 'Balancing', 'Centering'.

These chantings operate favorably on the Sadhak, at two levels. The first level is- At the very physical level, the quality of sound produced within the Sadhak, who is chanting the Mantra, unfolds a healing and a soothing condition. This induces a palpable experience of deep rest and profound depth of quietude in the Sadhak. Along with this, the inner energy level of the Sadhak also gets toned-up to an optimal level. Of course, one has to learn the correct method of chanting by way of proper phonetics and appropriate meter connected to each Mantra. Only this can produce, while chanting, the perfect quality of effects, as intended by the knowledge-system. This knowledge has reached our present times through an unbroken tradition.

The science of harmonics and resonance is operating, in the formation and chanting of Mantras. While chanting the Mantras, one has to place one's attention to follow without any resistance, the path of harmonics and resonance of the sound of Mantra. This is the sure way to derive 'Protecting and Balancing' effect in one's 'Perceiving-Modality' and 'Consciousness'.

The second of the abovementioned two levels of effects is verbal meaning of Mantras. The imagery connected to the verbal meaning, can help the Sadhak in meditation to visualize and 'enter' into those visuals. This is fully possible, only when the Sadhak deeply contemplates and reflects upon the awe-inspiring connotations these Mantras reveal.

Thus the Mantras, if handled correctly, can wholistically elevate and alter the level of consciousness.

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