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1 Awareness The basis of perception in a human being is five sensory inputs of touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste. The surrounding ambience is perceived due to sense stimuli being processed by the brain's sense-centers and responded to, as per the urgency of importance. In the animal-world, their awareness as attention is always bound to self-preservation efforts. Awareness in humankind is the basis for thoughts and perception, as the protoplasm is the visible basis for organic existence.

Usually, awareness in human beings is always tethered to thinking. Constant mentation is the human mental state. This condition is so, both while being awake and as well asleep. Conscious, Sub-conscious and Unconscious states of human consciousness are always in a "clutched" state. Clutched by the egoistic self-centered thought process. Whereas, only in the "de-clutched" state, the AWARENESS regains the original pure state of undivided togetherness. Peace, quietitude and fullness are possible only in a declutched awareness. Freed from goals and pursuits, the awareness is just simply open. The capacity of ATTENTION in human beings, regains its full potential only in the declutched receptive state.

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