1 | | Guru | This word in the Sanskrit language is evolved as follows. a) 'Gu'=Darkness, 'Ru'=Remover. i.e. 'The remover of darkness' is Guru b) Also `Gu'=The cave (Heart), 'Ru'=To lead i.e. The one who leads the ignorant beings to one's 'Heart' (Consciousness) is Guru.
Ordinarily, Guru refers to a religious preceptor (guide), leading a novice through a prescribed method to attain inner peace and fulfillment. 'Guru' can also refer to the non-verbal inspiration, which the very process of 'LIFE' (birth, growth, decay and death), imparts to each human being. BUT, we seldom pay heed to this perennial source of inspiration. Hence, the need for a human facilitator, a Guru.